Tadeusz Rolke już od ośmiu dekad świat ogląda przez obiektyw aparatu. Jako...
W swojej twórczości Agnieszka Mastalerz bada mechanizmy kontroli oraz procesy wpływające na...
Piotr Bratosiewicz – podróżnik i fotograf, autor projektu Collecting Stamps, którego celem...
Weronika Izdebska's photographs reflect a deep attentiveness to the surrounding world, with...
Tycjan Knut, a renowned artist known for his subtle abstractions, has a...
Chang Bui creates expressive abstractions that result from experimental work on paper,...
Bownik is recognized as one of the most intriguing contemporary Polish artists....
Natalia JONA translates emotions and feelings into abstract shapes, skillfully crafting narratives...
Michalina Bolach is an artist whose paintings not only grace canvases and...
Piotr Więcławski, also known as Vienio, is a man of many talents....
Natalia Miedziak-Skonieczna creates poetic dialogues of the body with the world around...
In his works, Kuba Łubniewski explores preserved situations. Sometimes the protagonist of...
Łukasz Stokowski's art escapes rigid frameworks and established patterns. His works show...
Matt Kawęczyński explores black, white and all shades of grey in his...
Graphic designer, painter, photographer and a creative director. For many years he...